
Access 2 Independence of the Eastern Iowa Corridor
We work to increase the self-integration of people with
disabilities throughout the Eastern Iowa Corridor.
disabilities throughout the Eastern Iowa Corridor.
Aging Resources of Central Iowa
Our mission is to lead, advocate and serve as well as plan and coordinate resources in the provision of services to persons in central Iowa, their families, caregivers or representatives enabling elders to lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives in the least restrictive environment.

Central Iowa Center for Independent Living
Empowering people with disabilities to control their lives
Connections Area Agency on Aging
To enhance the quality of life for elders in our service area through education, planning and coordination of services.

Disabilities Resource Center of Siouxland
DRC is a non-profit, non-residential, consumer-driven organization committed to providing and increasing consumer designed services and community awareness regarding disabilities
Easterseals Iowa
Easterseals Iowa provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Elderbridge Agency on Aging
We provide information, guidance, and assistance in finding services for you, your spouse, parent, relative, or friend. We strive to enable older Iowans to live with dignity, well-being, and independence.
Heart of Iowa Community Services
Community-based brain health, disability and social services organization.

Heritage Area Agency on Aging
Heritage Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit organization providing innovative services and access to local resources that improve the quality of life for older adults, adults with disabilities and family caregivers.
Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living
Create and maintain independence options for people with disabilities by advocating for civil rights, providing services, and promoting full participation of disabled individuals in all aspects of the community

Iowa Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Service and advocacy support organization for Iowa's Area Agencies on Aging.
Iowa Compass
Iowa Compass connects people with disabilities and complex health-related needs to services and supports in their communities throughout Iowa.

Iowa South Central Behavioral Health Region
SCBHR provides residents of South Central Iowa with the resources needed to help manage mental health disabilities and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
League of Human Dignity South West Iowa Center for Independent LIving
Promote the full integration of people with disabilities into society.

Milestones Area Agency on Aging
Milestones Area Agency on Aging is committed to working with communities and community-based organizations to increase awareness for aging successfully with dignity and independence. We do this by implementing policy with public resources provided by the Federal Administration on Aging and the Iowa Department on Aging. Milestones will be the organization for assisting older Iowans, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers to identify and access the services and resources needed to remain independent and self-sufficient.
Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging
Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging coordinates services for individuals to help them maintain the independence they desire. Services we provide include option counseling, case management, meal programs, caregiver support, respite services, evidence base health programs, advocacy, and recreation and education programs.

Northeast Iowa Care Connection
We strive to improve health, hope and successful outcomes for adults and children.
One Iowa
One Iowa advances, empowers, and improves the lives of LGBTQ Iowans statewide.

Polk County Health Services
Our mission is through collaboration and visionary leadership, PCHS provides comprehensive access to services, advocacy, and education that empowers individuals and families for better wellbeing and quality of life across their lifespan.
Rolling Hills Community Services
Linking individuals, families and communities to quality services and supports.

South Central Iowa Center for Independent Living
Create and maintain independence options for people with disabilities by advocating for civil rights, providing services, and promoting full participation of disabled individuals in all aspects of the community
Southern Hills Regional Mental Health
Increase prevention outreach, educational efforts and resources that support the resiliency of community members who experience mental health and substance us issues.