
Northwood Pines Assisted Living

County: Worth


Eligibility: Persons needing assistance with meds, personal care, daily living and still somewhat independent.Service Description: 16 bed assisted living apartmentsAKA: n/aBackground Check: YesComments:*Connected by doorway to Lutheran Retirement Nursing Home.*4/2008 opened new 16 bed Asst Living Apts. Staff on duty 7am-10pm after that calls go to n/home, Residents have emergency call pendants which ring to pager each staff carry, after 10 PM when leave turn pagers over to nursing home staff to monitor, the nurses do rounds every 2 hrs to check on folks in Asst Living.*Only can have 3 apts rent out to elderly waiver. *transportation by transit company in town.*tenant pays own phone, cable other utilities included in rent.*Cable cost is $30 a month*noon lunch and supper provided*Monthly cost is according to service needs


and Assisted Living Facilities

Business Address

700 10th Street N
Northwood , IA 50459

Mailing Address

700 10th St N
Northwood , IA 50459

Phone Number



Always Open